Radiant Body Cleanse


The Radiant Body Cleanse is a 14-day journey toward optimal health and clarity. It is designed to support your natural ability to heal and rejuvenate mind, body and spirit. It focuses on cleansing, detoxification and re-mineralization through diet and yoga.
This program can be done anytime of the year in the comfort of your home. It has 3 phases — preparation, rejuvenation and integration, and each stage of the journey has specific recipes.


Summer Solstice Class – (Livestream)

Hearthspace Moab, UT 239 West Center Street, Moab

Join Kia's Summer Solstice Class in-person at Hearthspace in Moab, UT or via livestream on IG @kiamilleryoga. All practice is amplified on solstice days, so what better time to come together and infuse love into the greater field. It is also International Yoga Day!! We invite you to donate to Yoga Gives Back on this […]

Ignite Your Inner Flame 3-part Series

Online, Live

Join Kia Miller for a 3-part series coupling ancient wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita with transformative Kundalini practices designed to awaken your heart, truth & purposeful action.
